Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dez Bryants Suspension

Watching college football and anticipating Texas vs Oklahoma State game, but no it won't be competitive because All American wide receiver Dez Bryant is suspended for the remainder of the season for lying to NCAA officials about a dinner he had with Pro football great Deion Sanders. Look when you're a young college student that turns into a great athlete people from all over the world will come to talk to you, and with the many NCAA rules on who you can or can't talk to one person could feel the need to not be forth coming about who they talk to. Now I'm not saying at all it's okay to lie to officials, but I do understand why. What I don't understand is that when he came forward and told the truth that he is still suspended for the remainder of the season. If another student athlete could punch a player in the face and go crazy on the crowd and still might be able to play again this year. Why shouldn't a person who wasn't truthful at first not be able to play again. NCAA officials okay he lied, he was scared and then came forward with the right information and apologized for it. He should be forgiven and able to play again.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Baseball Umpires

Another game another blown call, what can't these umpires see less then five feet away that we can see from our coach. Look the Ryan Howard out was to close to call, but when a Utley is called out when he was clearly safe makes me think that was a make-up call for the Ryan Howard no catch out. Don't get me wrong I know being an umpire isn't a easy job everything is moving so fast and there eyes I guess can't move fast enough, but why doesn't Bud Selig go to instant replay. As long as I watched baseball these calls through this post season has been the worst ever. Maybe just maybe these blown calls are a sign for baseball to move to instant replay. I mean pro long the game, really? It will only take thirty to forty seconds and what does that do to a game that can can go up to three hours or longer. I just have to say me as a baseball fan I rather see a game called fare then what people might call a great series. Umps get it right.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sports Minute Andre Agassi

Tennis great Andre Agassi admitted that he took crystal meth back in 1997. He also admitted that he lies to ATP about the drug so he wouldn't be suspended from the tour. Look I grew up on Andre Agassi as a sports watcher. From his long hair and neon colored Nike outfits to his Rebel camera commercials. What really made me respect him more was giving to inner city youths in tennis programs. Not to mention him being a warrior on the clay or grass. Everybody has vices and some more serious than others and some are deemed more offensive than others, but hey we are not in the spotlight so our vices tend to stay with us than in the public eye. I can only think that Andre wanted to clear his conscience or show people that he is just like us and has to deal with addiction as well. Whatever the reason is I have not lost any respect for Andre Agassi because he was strong enough and big enough to let certain things about his life be known. Clearly he could've took this to his grave, but he wrote a book and things come out so us as people know no matter how much money people make they always have problems.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Sports Man

I'm an athlete, I've played organized sports my whole life. I understand the greatness athletes feel win they win and the agony of defeat. I know why this athlete does this or that, why he blew up on this referee or coach. I especially know what they really mean on different comments. I don't over analyze everything nor do I feel I need to express that should say something different. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech and noone should be attacked for the comments they make unless they are trully ignorant or disrespectful. Look for me to have a valid point and opinion and bring a sense of understanding to these athletes.