Friday, October 30, 2009

Baseball Umpires

Another game another blown call, what can't these umpires see less then five feet away that we can see from our coach. Look the Ryan Howard out was to close to call, but when a Utley is called out when he was clearly safe makes me think that was a make-up call for the Ryan Howard no catch out. Don't get me wrong I know being an umpire isn't a easy job everything is moving so fast and there eyes I guess can't move fast enough, but why doesn't Bud Selig go to instant replay. As long as I watched baseball these calls through this post season has been the worst ever. Maybe just maybe these blown calls are a sign for baseball to move to instant replay. I mean pro long the game, really? It will only take thirty to forty seconds and what does that do to a game that can can go up to three hours or longer. I just have to say me as a baseball fan I rather see a game called fare then what people might call a great series. Umps get it right.

1 comment:

  1. Look bro that is true and proabably a great way to go u can't prolong a game that is 3 hrs and then you have the coaches coming out to argue so in that time the coaches are arguing you can have a booth review.
