Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Browns Owners vs Protesting Fans

The story of the week seems to be that two Cleveland Browns fans Mike Randall and Tony Schafer are loathing over the way the Browns are playing this season. This year did not start off on the right foot. Their only win came in the worst game ever on television. They beat the Buffalo Bills 6 to 3, neither team had over 300 yards. But lets start at the beginning the owner of the Bengals Randy Lerner hired Eric Mangeini, then he traded Kellen Winslow and finally let Mangini keep his great Quarterback secret of Quinn or Anderson till it was leaked by one of his players. I mean being a Cleveland Brown got so bad that wide receiver Braylon Edwards had to punch somebody just to get out of there and now two angry fans are asking other season ticket holders not come to the game til after the first quarter. That's pretty good if you want the NFL to start blacking out their games. That could be why Randy granted a meeting with these two long time fans. Look, this is the greatest thing a owner can do. Of course most critics are going to say what's his problem? Why would a owner waste his time meeting with two fans that are just another dollar signs to him. That's what a great owner does. He doesn't look at these fans like dollar signs. He looks at them as regular people who have the power to cost him major money. I mean really how many owners from any sport will take time out of there busy schedule to work a great public relations ploy to help keep money in his wallet. You have to tip your hat to a owner what people want. An Answer. All these fans are saying is that America is going through some tough times and coming to Cleveland Brown's Stadium is helping them forget about their worries, but are only having their issues compounded by watching a team get demolished week after week. All you have to do is just put a team that competes out there and fans will have no more quarrels or protest against you.


1 comment:

  1. Good read, I love the fans for doing this because I always feel like the state of the team directly reflects the fans. Sports are like any other product the consumer controls the quality. If you demand more and use your dollars to vote be it a sports team or a Coke -cola recipe the consumer will get what they demand.

    I just moved from Chicago and the Cubs have some of the most loyal fans ever. THATS WHY THERE TEAM SUCKS. The owners know there fan base will always go to the game no matter what. SO where is the incentive to do better.

    I guess I said all that to say this seeming disloyal to your team by not showing up when they are bad.....often is the only way to lead them to doing good

