Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye on the Tiger

I wake up Friday morning and get ready for some college football and thanksgiving left overs. I'm warming up my food and turn to the Auburn versus Alabama game. I'm watching Auburn give Alabama all they can handle in the first quarter and then my heart drops. Breaking news, Tiger Woods was in a car accident. With the way his highlights were being played I thought Tiger Woods was going to die. Things sounded sketchy as no one really had factual information. All they knew is that he crashed into a fire hydrant and a neighbor's tree. Hearing those details and seeing how early the accident was. The first thing that came to my mind was drunk driving. Then I thought it's Tiger Woods, he wouldn't do that and I was right because officers said it looked like alcohol was not involved with the accident. So then I thought that Tiger was puffing the putting greens and then I wondered why would he do that knowing he's the most powerful role model to date right now, but then I thought like a grown up and said this seems to weird. Something has to be up and certainly it was because as the days went by more facts were coming out. It appears that Tiger Woods was having an affair and he and his wife were arguing about it. Sources said Tiger told a friend he was about to get a "Kobe Special" before he rushed out of the house and hit everything except the car path. Tiger is free to do what he wants, but cheating does show poor character. So if he is getting chased around the house by his wife holding a golf club then let it be known. Other reports were made saying that Tiger's wife Elin told officers that she was chasing Tiger around the house with the same club I guess she used to save him from the SUV. Other statements came out that Tiger Woods told an officer said that he didn't get those lacerations from the car accident. Look Tiger, whatever happened that Friday morning is between you, Elin and that golf club. You may be ruling the golf courses with it, but Elin is betting the house that she can get to you in under three strokes. I'm happy he was not drinking and driving and I'm glad he released a statement of him taking responsibility for his actions. Even though Tiger didn't give out every detail he gave the right one. That he is not perfect and like him nobody else is.

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