Monday, November 23, 2009

Problems for Mangino at Kansas

After a wonderful football season last year the Kansas Jay hawk'S football team is in turmoil right now. Not only are the Jay hawks sitting at a five and five season and a chance at missing a bowl game. The Kansas football team is now looking into the conduct of their head football coach Mark Mangino as certain present and former football players are accusing him of mistreating them by verbally abusing them and physically abusing them. Of course Mark Mangino denied all of these allegations, but that didn't stop Kansas Jay hawk's athletic director Lew Perkins from opening an internal investigation. Mark later showed no further intentions of admitting to anything by saying all he expects to do is coach against the Texas Longhorns this weekend, but there's to many allegations to ignore. Most of the people that played for Mangino at Kansas or Kansas State says that Mangino would take your personal information and use it against them. They said that he would embarrass them by putting information they shared with him in confidence believing he would keep it secret, but later he would put it out in front of the team. One former player told Mangino that his father was an alcoholic and he wanted to further his education and become a lawyer. Later on Mangino was talking to him in front of the team and asked him if he was going to be a lawyer or become an alcoholic like his father. Another incident occurred when a player dropped a pass and was talking on the sideline Mangino told him to shut up or he will send him back to St. Louis where he can be shot with his homies. Former players said that Mangino would grab them, shake them and poke them with his finger. One time a player fell asleep in a film session and players said Mangino pushed him out of the chair and kicked him in his butt as he tried to get up. Look coaches do a lot of things to players that we as athletes don't like. They do grab us or push us, call us all kinds of names if we mess up and they do go to far. My brother had a scholarship out of state to a division two university, but he quit the team because the coach was highly disrespectful by calling him and other players from California that he thought wasn't playing to their ability California vagina's (You use the other word for that.)and football players from Florida the Florida retards. My brother still attends that school and will get his degree in December, but I feel it's wrong when you go to college to get a taste of the NCAA football life and it is cut short due to a coach demeaning you and expecting you to take it. Why would you want to continue to play for a person like that. As I mentioned earlier I choked out a coach. We were playing a team that was blowing us out and a friend of mind had a vicious hit on one of the players from the opposing team and me and a friend of mine were laughing at that player and giving props to our teammate. Quickly an assistant coach came out of no where and told us to shut the (explicit) up. I told him I wasn't his kid and he should never feel comfortable talking to me like that. After the game that assistant went to the head coach and told him what I said. The head coach politely told me to get the (explicit) off of his field. I through my shoulder pads and helmet and stormed off the field only to have the coach chased me down and grab me. I turned around and grabbed him by his neck telling him to never ever get the urge to grab me again. All I have to say is this, coaches need athletes else they wouldn't have a job. Most coaches just blow smoke up your butt to have you come to their college only to treat you like crap when they feel you are useless to them. We just need to have coaches that will be considerate to their players and treat them with the same respect they feel they deserve from their players.

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