Friday, November 13, 2009

Three University of Tennessee Football Players Arrested

Three players from the University of Tennessee football program was arrested for attempted robbery. Wide Receiver Nu'Keese Richardson, safety Janzen Jenkins and defensive back Mike Edwards were attempting to rob three people off campus with a pellet gun just before 2:00am on a Thursday night. The victims said that they were sitting in their car at a gas station and two people in hoodies brandishing a handgun and demanded give us everything you got. After the victims said they had no money the two hooded people ran, jumped in a Toyota Prius and drove off. Later that night police pulled over that Prius with the three football players. As they searched the vehicle the police found a pellet gun, hooded sweatshirts and a bag of marijuana. Richardson is still being held in jail, Edwards was released on bail and Jackson on his own recognizance. Enough of this story lets get down to the real reason why I'm writing about these idiots that did not take advantage of the opportunity they were given. Look these three boys obviously don't understand the validity of the situation. Yes these teens are young, but that is no excuse for their actions. I'm pretty sure these youngsters were raised by parents or a parent that taught them right from wrong. I'm also sure that where these boys grew up they've seen or heard about people going to jail for armed robbery, robbery or any other criminal offense. It seems to me these kids were high off marijuana and thought it would be funny to rob people with a pellet gun. I am highly upset with these boys actions and have no other opinion but to expel these boys from school, have them arrested and prosecuted to the fullest existent of the law. The fact that Coach Lane Kiffin and the Tennessee Athletic Director Mike Hamilton are caught in between keeping these boys on scholarship or if they will play. To me this is complete nonsense. There are thousands of high school athletes that would love to play collegiate football and know right from wrong. All I have to say is that there actions sickens me and this time a second chance is not warranted.

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