Monday, December 14, 2009

Don't get Coach Williams Angry

We all have been to sporting events before in our life. Going to the game we see all kinds of fans, the quiet fan that just comes to see the game, enjoy it and leave. There's the sports fan that is a little more rowdy than the quiet fan, but can get on a referee or player he doesn't like. Finally it's the fan that is a maniac. I mean this fan loves his team to death and will hoot, holler or scream till they're horse and still are screaming.
Americans love sports and love our teams and athletes even more. We heckle referees that give our team trouble by calling what we think are ridiculous calls and sometimes even fight fans from the opposing team. I remember one time when Kobe Bryant was punched by Chris Childs I had to break up a Lakers and Knicks fan from fighting and eventually put them out of the arena.
Well that's what happened at a North Carolina game against Presbyterian on Saturday. A fan was ejected from the game after yelling out to a Tar Heel player, "Don't miss it!" after that UNC coach Roy Williams stood up looked at the fan and he was escorted out of the arena. School security said the fan was intoxicated and in his wrong seat after being asked to move from that seat.
Of course this fan was drunk and of course he probably moved down to a closer seat. I remember as a fan at the Forum my brother and I used to sneak down to the floor just heckles athletes as well and ask for towel. Every true fan doesn't feel like harassing their most hated player unless they threw back a couple 20 dollar beers to get their game up. Players are supposed to be able to take this heckling; I mean college fans basically yell the whole game in some arenas. I can't believe that Coach Williams even acknowledged this fan let alone get him kicked out of the game. Fans pay high prices for tickets, merchandise and food in these fancy arenas and we should be allowed to heckle and harass who we want. Remember our first amendment, freedom of speech.

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