Friday, December 18, 2009

When it Rains it Pours

Ever since Tiger Woods' one car accident in November he has been poured on day after day. Tiger was ragged on for his infidelities and for not talking to the media about his transgressions. Tiger has endured public ridacution by the media and has lost lots of money due to companies scaling back their endorsements and also cutting ties with the troubled athlete.
Then there was the doctor that was found in Canada with performance enhancing drugs and other crazy medicines. The funny thing about this situation is the doctor treated a bunch of other athletes, but since Tiger is in the media now for his problems he is the only one being attached to this doctor in the media. People in the media are actually trying to tarnish his image on the golf course now just because of speculation and that is totally wrong.
Now there's the wife of Tiger filing for divorce. All I have to say is I'm not shocked at all, but it’s not for the reasons you might think. I know Tiger cheated numerous times and there were even more reports that he brought one of those mistresses to their house and that alone is a reason for divorce, but its all speculation as well. I just looked at the situation and had my own opinion for the divorce. Tiger's wife was a nanny, a nanny and punched her lottery ticket with marrying one of the greatest and richest sports athletes ever, so of course she would divorce Tiger Woods, especially if there was no prenup or a adultery clause in that prenup. I'm not saying she's a gold digger I'm just saying it makes it a whole lot easier for her to just pack up and leave knowing millions of dollars is still coming to her away from Tiger.
All this tabloid attention is getting redundant and ridiculous. ESPN is looking like TMZ with breaking news after breaking news, but this is no longer a sports topic. I mean these guys even announced that Tiger's mother in law was hospitalized too. Tiger was a sports figure and won't be a sports figure again until he returns to the course. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but make sure you look at your life before you talk about someone else’s life.

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