Monday, December 14, 2009

The U was Great

So I finally got around to seeing the 30 for 30 movie called "The U" about the University of Miami. This movie showed the transformation of life it's self. The Miami Hurricanes had the worst start of a football program ever. This team was just about to shut down the program for good until a coach came with the right mind.
I was born in 1981, so I don't remember the start of this turn around, but I know this. As long as I've watched college football the University of Miami was one of my favorite colleges. There was the University of Michigan, University of Southern California, University of Tennessee and Florida State. If I would've got offers from any of those schools to play football I would have been packed before my senior year ended.
The Miami Hurricanes changed the culture of a city and a state by integrating races and breaking down stereotypes of what the ghetto really is. We all know black athletes are good players, but yet were hard to recruit do to prejudice. When coach Schnellenberger opened his arms to inner city youths he opened the arms of people in those white neighborhoods who were skeptical of black people.
Things were great, but like always when you're black and good the media tries to break you down with whatever they can find. It seemed like every little thing they did was scrutinized due to sides that were divided and chosen. Its funny how things have a way of working out because even though Miami was super cocky they got embarrassed by Penn State. I agree that things need to change for the good to focus a team and get control of a situation that seemed to be spiraling out of control.
The Hurricanes brought what people used to and now call swag. Of course you'll see the craziness that comes with recruiting black athletes. The fights, the show boating and the criminal activity, but it's the coaches priority to check those ego's at the door and control the situation. I must admit I blame "The U" for the all the show boating and wide receiver divas, but when you look at it changed football from a sport to entertainment.

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