Monday, January 18, 2010

Brooking Has No Respect for Himself

The Dallas Cowboys played the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday to advance to the NFC Championship game. The Cowboys has already won their first playoff game since 1996 against the Philadelphia Eagles the week before and beat them pretty good 34-14. The Vikings totally embarrassed the Cowboys 34-3 on Sunday and rubbed it in when Brett Farve threw his fourth touchdown of the game with less than five minutes left in the game.
Now it wasn't embarrassing that they allowed a forty year old Brett Farve to have the best statistical playoff game of his career, nor was it that they didn't even score a touchdown the whole game. It was embarrassing for the Dallas Cowboys because they allowed a fourth quarter touchdown when it was fourth and three at their own eleven yard line. It got even worse when Cowboys' middle linebacker Keith Brooking followed Brett Farve to the Vikings' sideline to yell at them how disrespectful it was.
Then Keith Brooking went even further saying, "I thought it was totally classless and disrespectful. This is the NFL, that's not what this is about. I don't think there's a place for that. I was looking for Childress. I didn't think it was right, but they've got to see us next year." Please Keith, so it's a place in the NFL for following a player to their sideline and cry about how you feel disrespected by them scoring another touchdown. There's no crying in baseball and definitely no crying in football.
It was still time left on the clock and you mean to tell me if the Cowboys got the ball back they would've just taken knees to run the clock out. Hell no! They would have tried feverishly like they did to score a touchdown or put more points on the board to make that score look more respectable. That's a double standard that should never be brought up by another football player as long as this game is played. Now people are questioning if the Vikings ran up the score on the Cowboys. Yes they did and did so with good reason.
There's only one reason why athletes play the game and Herm Edwards said it best, "You win to play the game." That's it and that's all. If you don't want a team to blow you out or embarrass you there's only one thing you can do and that's stop them from scoring. Don't let them near your end zone or get into field goal position to put more points up. It sickens me already to see football players celebrate excessively after every first down, catch, two yard run or tackle pass the line of scrimmage. I know it's an emotional game, but if you are just as hyped when you make a big play you will be just as deflated when you mess up and that's all it was for Keith Brooking. Last week against the Eagles, the Cowboys were show boating the whole game, but this week its uncalled for. Get out of here. Shut up, take your ball, leave the field and go home.

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