Monday, January 4, 2010

Hooray For Dallas

If you were to ask me about them Cowboys, I'll tell you that the Dallas Cowboys haven't been worth anything since Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith and Michael Irvin left. Especially after Jerry Jones stabbed Terrell Owens in the back and released him in the off season, but the Cowboys are looking like they are close to being a force in the National Football League.
After the Cowboys won today's game against the Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas has clinched the NFC east championship. This win saves Coach Wade Philips job for one more day and keeps quarterback Tony Romo looking good for right now. The Cowboys still are not the team of the decade, but still have a chance to win this year's Super Bowl.
The Dallas Cowboys didn't start off December like the greatest team in the NFL, but finished the month on point to clinch the title. Dallas has no real chance to win the Super Bowl because their offense is still lacking a good passing game. Yes Miles Austin looks like a decent receiver, but Roy Williams couldn't even hold Terrell Owens' jock strap.
Most likely the Cowboys will be put out of the first round and Coach Wade Philips will be out the door. Maybe Dallas will probably make their way back to a Super Bowl appearence and if they make it this year to the big game then Dallas has really come full circle. Whatever the Cowboys do, it better be good or the Cowboys will continue to be called the Cowgirls any Tony Romo will go back to being the reason they can't win the big one and I for one will feel total satisfaction to see Dallas fall hard on their face.

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