Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tell Us Something We Don't Know Mark

Mark McGwire has finally come out and told the world what most of the world presumed or thought they already knew. That he used performance enhancing drugs or steroids for over ten years. He admitted to using steroids during the season where he hit 70 homeruns and set the single season homerun record.
Like every person that uses performance enhancing drugs they regret it and say that they wished they never did it, but lets be honest if he wasn't smacking homeruns out of the ball parks he would have stopped using them. Every athlete wants to be one thing and that's great at whatever they do. They will use whatever advantage they can to get there to make history whether it's putting up extra iron in the weight room or needles in their back side.
There's only one reason that Mark McGwire chose to come forth about his steroid use and it wasn't to get a few extra people to buy his tell all book. McGwire came out to get into the Hall of Fame and that's the only reason. Sure he wants to be able to come to the St. Louis Cardinals' training facilities and not get hounded by steroid questions, but the Hall comes first.
I'm not mad at Mark McGwire for coming out about using steroids and I'm certainly not mad at him for using them either. America loves sports and they idolize the superior athlete and it was in the form of Mark McGwire. Baseball fans love the long ball and couldn't care less if he used steroids to do it. Mark was knocking them all over the park and real McGwire fans still love him for the things he achieved and it won't change their respect for him as a player or a person.
Look, I don't think him saying that he used performing enhancing drugs will get him into the Hall of Fame next year, but if he does great as a hitting coach and has no more bad marks on his record since being a hitting coach he should make it. Mark McGwire was great for baseball and brought more fans to the game with his monstrous homerun hits. With today's "Steroid Era" being called out a player with the accolades of Mark McGwire, he should be in the Hall of Fame.

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