Friday, January 15, 2010

When Will We Get It!

With Athletes continuing to disappoint the average sports fan with all kinds of crazy antics and situations, this leads me to ask the question when will we get it. If you were to look back at your memories of sport athletes you will see a bunch of them famous or not have a pattern run in with authorities and actions that would make the average Joe cringe. Each situation that you can remember will make you as a person think less of that athlete.

Look at Tiger Woods, Tiger was put on the highest pedestal I've ever seen for an athlete since Mike Tyson and was thrown from it quicker that he could sink a three foot put. Media and some sports fans had Tiger as almost God like as if they really believed in him to be a savior. All because he was a phenomenal golfer and was thrown under the bus after making a mistake that any other human can make. They didn't stop endorsing Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson or any other athlete was caught cheating as well.

Then you have Gilbert Arenas who now faces gun charges for a practical joke gone badly. Arenas was considered to be a premiere point guard in the NBA, but was hampered by injury. With this gun charge getting out of hand due to the media spinning this story into the two players brandishing guns at each other. People are not only looking to keep him out of the league, take his money and are now confused on who Gilbert Arenas really is.

Finally you have Marvin Harrison. Marvin Harrison on the field was touted as the ultimate professional in the NFL. He played a position that has had plenty of troubled and problematic players. Marvin was quiet and seamed humble as he never over celebrated a reception for a first down or a touchdown, but now is being investigate for a shooting and a murder. Now we question who Marvin really is and how did this happen?

It happens like this, these people are human beings not Gods. Yes they are very athletic and do thing that the average human might not be able to do, but that does not make them perfect. The athlete has proven this to sports fans time after time. There are a number of athletes, too many to count that has made simple human mistakes. I'm not saying don't cheer or root for these athletes. I'm just saying even with all that money and television exposure they are no better than us and aren't excused from making mistakes. This makes me want the sports fans to open their eyes and get it that athletes are human too.

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