Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Texas Tech vs. Adam Jones

It has been nothing but a snowball affect since the Mike Leach allegations and this time it happened faster than the Mark Magino's incident. It was reported that Mike Leach put a Texas Tech Red Raider player named Adam James in an electrical closet and a tool shed. Adam James is the son of an ESPN college football analyst named Craig James.
Mike Leach was suspended for those actions and some people think that it was just and some think that Mike Leach was fired because of who Adam James is. Mike was about to got to a court hearing to contest against his suspension from the team and coaching in the Alamo Bowl until he was served with his pink slip. Leach and his attorney agreed that there was no reason for further actions to taken.
At the Alamo Bowl there was nothing but support for fired Head Coach Mike Leach and disrespect towards Athletic Director Gerald Myers and wide receiver Adam James. During halftime as Adam James walked off the field he was heavily booed by Texas Tech fans and Mike Leach supporters. There were signs saying bring Leach back and how they are "Team Leach" supporters, others held anti-James signs and wore t-shirts that weren't very kind to the Texas Tech receiver.
There is no way Adam Jones should receive this kind of treatment. Adam thought he was being mistreated by a coach and spoke up. Head Coaches are there to nurture and mature that teenager into a well mannered man. If that coach doesn't comply with those ethics he is not a good coach or he shouldn't be coaching any kind of children.
Mike Leach didn't feel like he was doing anything wrong, but just didn't fully think through the plan. I mean who puts anybody with concussion in a tool shed or electrical closet without first having them check by the trainer or in a proper training facility? He said he wanted his players close to the field even though they're injured, for what? If a player is injured during most of the practice week, he most likely won't be playing that following week, especially if he has a head injury. A small part of me thinks that Texas Tech didn't want to pay Mike Leach his $800,000 bonus on December 31 of last year, but I must admit these accusations and some from his past warranted Mike Leach this firing.


  1. Molson, you're an idiot. This is some of the weakest reporting I've seen on this sans some of the garbage ESPN has trotted out in defense their boy, Craig James.

    Here are some facts you left out. In 22 years as a coach, 10 as head coach of Tech, Leach has never been accused of 'player abuse'. Never, not one allegation, until the Sweet Baby James episode.

    Tool shed? Electrical closet? You simply don't have the facts. One place James was sent for for some 'time-out' was the equipment room, a 1400 sq ft bldg with an ice machine and where the Gatoraide is kept along with the football equipment. It's where players hangout in hot of spring and summer. The other is an 'interview room' used for post-game interviews. The use of the word "shed" origninated from ESPN. Honestly, how many BCS schools have "sheds" near their football fields?

    The real story is, Tech didn't want to honor Leach's big contract signed 11 months ago. He was fired 13 hours before Leach was to earn a $800,000 completion bonus for finishing the year (2009).

    Laslty, anyone who would take the word of Craig James, a known cheater who was prominent in the ruin of SMU football, over that of Mike Leach is a fool. It's my opinion, for his role in the wrongdoings at SMU, Craig James should be nowhere near college football as Pete Rose is not allowed near MLB baseball.

    If you want to play the 'abuse' card as justification for the firing for Leach, I'll point out, that if Adam James were healthy (no concussion) and a distraction at practice, he'd be running bleachers or sprints as punishment. Since he was concussed, his punishment was some 'time-out' in a cool dark place.

    If you believe this to be enough reason to fire a coach with a stellar record for graduation rates, wins/losses and no NCAA violations, you're a caboose on the fool train.

  2. you obviously didn't read the full blog and honestly I went by what I read in other articles and heard from news reports. I've heard that Mike Leach did alot of crazy stuff as a head coach and I never said that he mistreated players before this situation. You are an idiot and as your ten years as a supposed coach at 22 I doubt you are smart enough to comprehend my blog. I stayed nuetral and said that Tech didn't want to pay up and also said that Adam James is getting this treatment because of his daddy. All I said was this, if Mike Leach would've thought this plan through fully he wouldn't be in this situation. Check yourself next time you come to me telling me what you think the facts are.
